Ready Player One



Dare I venture outside my usual Oscar Season reviews? Oh go on...

I wasn’t necessarily enthusiastic about seeing Ready Player One but a freebie came my way and I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. How wrong my instincts were. I absolutely loved it! You know when you were a kid and you were playing with your Tygra and Cheetara figures having her running under the couch at super speed pretending it was the cave that rapidly ages it’s inhabitants? Well it’s like that. But you’re not playing with a Thundercat toy, you ARE a Thundercat toy.

Like Stranger Things there is a risky tactic of playing heavily on nostalgia from the 80s and early 90s. But being 36 I felt perfectly catered to thank you very much.

The soundtrack is top notch. How come 80s music sounds so so good today? It compliments the visuals and action superbly.

I’m not sure this is for everyone; it’s kind of like The Goonies meets Tron meets Flight of the Navigator. And for the sharp eyed Pop Culture vultures there are plenty of references to keep you salivating (I was sold as soon as I spotted his belt buckle).

And if Mark Rylance hasn’t already stolen your heart, he will. Sit back and enjoy being a kid again. In the 80s. In the future.

8 Neon Thumbs Up!


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