Phantom Thread
On my break today I went to the park and watched a squirrel sitting on a lean branch, half way up a tree, scrutinising a monkey nut. He held it in his hands like Indiana Jones holding a Sankara Stone. He then dashed down the tree trunk and began burying it in the soil while three curious geese watched on.
That scene was more thrilling than any scene in Phantom Thread.
It reminded me of being a teenager and hating what I considered “Oscar films”. Those grand movies that all had the same blueprint; English accents, sweeping shots of the countryside, stillness. Films that were “important” to watch. I’d inevitably give up and put Big Business on instead. It’s as if Pulp Fiction never happened.
Brought to us by the genius who gave us Boogie Nights and Magnolia this can be considered his passion project. And who am I to deny anyone their passion? And if you’re a fan of fashion and minute detail then this film is for you. There is an excellent scene when DDL ordered breakfast. Then a really funny scene much later on where he reluctantly eats asparagus. After that it’s pretty much the wonderful Leslie Manville who keeps you interested garnering her first Oscar nomination in Best Supporting Actress. Good for her!
I’m afraid I must add this to the list of disappointing films with ‘Phantom’ in the title.
4 Manvillain Thumbs Up!