Love, Simon
LOVE, SIMON (2018)
Sometimes a film comes out (no pun intended) and it’s so unassuming it lodges in your brain and won’t leave.
‘Love, Simon’ is a big deal because apparently it’s the first film to be produced by a major Hollywood studio with a teenage gay protagonist (like American Pie if Jim liked men). And it is a little charmer!
It’s your average romcom. And that in itself is the point. It doesn’t push boundaries of the genre - in fact it relishes in it’s cliches. Those who don’t like how unrealistic romantic comedies are (I’m looking at you Notting Hill moaners) then this isn’t for you. It’s a delightful fairytale (again... Sorry). Everybody is easy on the eye. The teachers are a hoot, the parents are a dream and the teens listen to cool music on vinyl. ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ this is not.
But if you want a feel-good film, that reminds you of a John Hughes classic but with iPhones, then this is for you! It’s a sweet story with some endearing performances. And it’s made me want to communicate solely by email.
8 Sweet Thumbs Up!