Triangle of Sadness

Triangle of Sadness (2022)

This dark comedy loosely follows a high fashion model and his Instagram influencer girlfriend who take a freebie on a super yacht with some wealthy yet dubious characters. Things go awry and it all becomes very Lord of the Flies.

From the off writer/director Ruben Ostlund makes fun of the silly and simple distinction of what it is to be high-brand (Balenziaga versus H&M) and delivers his satiric sermon in three chapters.

The first captures a fascinating debate about male/female dynamics and their relationships with money. Harris Dickinson’s performance is perfect as he frustratingly vies for financial equality while Charlibi Dean’s disgustingly smug power play is frankly arousing.

The scenes on the yacht are brilliant. From the excruciatingly awkward encounter of a rich Russian insisting on role reversal with her waitress to her satisfying comeuppance when she suffers quite extraordinary seasickness.

Once stranded on an island Dolly deLeon demonstrates the simplicity of survival; treat the person who catches the fish nice or go hungry. Though of course, she is seduced by power.

As is standard these days I’d easily shave off 30 minutes but well worth a watch. Particularly if you’re a fan of White Lotus.

8 Imodium Thumbs Up 👍🏻


Women Talking

