Fighting with My Family
Fighting with My Family (2019)
I remember reading about this last year before I even knew who ‘Pretender to Kate Winslet’s Throne’ Florence Pugh was. Of course she has since blown fellow cinephiles away in the brilliant but long ‘Midsommar’ and nabbed an Oscar nomination in ‘Little Women’.
Imagine knowing a film is out written and directed by a comedy hero (Stephen Merchant) and starring my favourite villain (Cersei Lannister) and still it takes me this long to watch it. I’m a fool.
I think I was put off by The Rock and Vince Vaughan. I shouldn’t have been. It seemed like odd stunt casting but the former is a charismatic and funny cameo and the latter is harmless enough. Based on the true story of a wrestling family from Norwich who’s daughter goes onto become the first... well I won’t ruin it. But it involves The Rock.
It could’ve been funnier but I suppose Merchant preferred to honour the truth. And when you see the amateur footage during the final credits you see how loyal to the source he remained. Having said that, when this film is funny it’s laugh out loud funny. Particular Merchant himself playing a conservative in-law to this rowdy and hyper-sexualised clan.
Kate-Winslet-in-Training Pugh is likeable good fun and she brings depth to what could be an annoying brash teen. But the MVP for me is Jack Lowden playing her “it should’ve been me” brother. He gives a performance far better than the calibre of this film. By that I mean on the one hand you have Nick Frost successfully being Nick Frost meanwhile Lowden is serving me Judi Dench. I genuinely believed every single line he uttered, his stomach turning desperation and heartbreak at not fulfilling his dream while his little sister does is remarkable. I’ve found a new hero.
It’s a bit like Rocky meets Billy Elliot. But with wrestling and heavy metal and some truly, truly, horrendous wigs. The budget went on The Rock. Good weekend fun with a takeaway and some cans.
7 Choke Slamming Thumbs Up!