Julie & Julia


Julie and Julia (2009)

Back in the early 2000’s a jobless blogger decides to document her culinary adventure through Julia Childs’ The Art of French Cooking. And it makes her fortune (hmm this gives me an idea...). This dandy film - written and directed by mum’s fave Nora Ephron - invites us along that mouth-watering journey while intertwining the true story of Child’s time in Paris creating said cookbook. Consider this Disney’s Ratatouille, with Meryl Streep as the rat. 

It goes without saying that Meryl, playing a very posh duck of out water, is an unapologetic joy. But it’s the subtleties. Watch how she reclines so comfortably in bed with her Diplomat husband Stanley Tucci (their chemistry is magnifique). Or the ever-so minuscule narrowing of her eyes when someone casually dismisses her chances of ever becoming a professional chef. Naturally, Meryl bags her 16th Oscar nomination (of 21). It’s up for healthy debate whether all those noms are warranted but I’m content that this cheerful performance is included. 

Reliable Amy Adams survives being cruelly suffocated under a bad wig and delivers a congenial turn. But it’s Meryl’s show and the only other person who comes close to steal her thunder is the usually menacing Jane Lynch playing her sister. Perfect casting, not least because of her natural height (Meryl was on stilts). We could’ve had a entire film of this jubilant double act. 

So, uncork that Châteauneuf-du 

-pape. Artfully scatter an array of cheese on a plank (maybe some crackers if you insist on being civilised) and lose yourself in two hours of buttery indulgence. Bon appetit! 

8 rich creamy thumbs up! 👍🏻 




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