

Joker (2019)

For those into horoscopes it may interest you to know that I’m a Gemini. This review will be an insight into the ongoing conflicts I deal with in my every decision-making. Let’s attack Joker with the two people in my head: The Batman Fan and the Film Fan. The Batman Fan had a great time. The Film Fan did not.

Released in October and having since grossed over a billion dollars, the Batman Fan understands why so many people have seen this, yet the Film Fan is confused with all the award glory.

Aside from the brilliant Joaquin Phoenix, there is nothing extraordinary here. I sat there baffled that all this love was being poured onto this can of Diet Scorsese.

Don’t get me wrong, it was visually very pleasing with the 70’s sepia toned nostalgia and soundtrack but I am genuinely at a loss as to why all the award bodies are so impressed. It has been nominated for a staggering eleven Oscars. ELEVEN!

It looks like Taxi Driver and acts like King of Comedy but doesn’t match either classic. And together both those films got four nominations. And all four were for the former.

The Batman Fan sat there more satisfied with this backstory to the canon’s most despicable yet intriguing psychopath. Though dare I admit I wanted a touch more pantomime to my villain. But then I love Tim Burton’s Batman films and the tv series Gotham. So that explains my taste levels.

Did we really need to see the killing of Bruce Wayne’s parents again? Imagine we only saw the Wayne’s leave the cinema. This is an example of how spoon-fed we were as an audience. We really did not need the Fight Club-esque explanation with his neighbour. That big reveal was 20 years ago so as a narrative device it felt dated.

Both voices in my head can agree on one thing; Phoenix is excellent. I found his dancing haunting. Forget his manic laugh, there’s something about how proficient a dancer Arthur is that was oddly unsettling.

Watch this on a Friday night with Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins and The Dark Knight to watch after and proper geek out.

7 thumbs up


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