Green Book



Imagine being a teenage boy in the mid 90s. Our heroes were the brothers who brought us ‘Dumb and Dumber’, ‘There’s Something About Mary’ and ‘Me, Myself and Irene’. So you can appreciate my delight and confusion to hear one of the brothers, Peter Farrelly, has delivered a film that’s an Oscar contender! Good for him.

Set in the early 60s the titular green book is a travel guide for where African Americans can stay when they’re on the road in the United States. Mahershala Ali’s pianist Dr Shirley hires Viggo Mortenen’s Tony to be his driver and “security” for a short music tour.

Despite the subject matter seemingly to always be about violence there’s somewhat of a love affair between cinema and The Bronx in the 60s. And I’m all for it! Though of course if I were living it I’d be an absolute nervous wreck around these brutes.

The acting is great. Viggo really suits playing a likeable thug. Linda Cardellini deserves more roles like this (if you’re ever at a loose end for a series check out Bloodline on Netflix) and Ali continues to charm the Academy with another enigmatic show. The chemistry between the two male leads is spot on. The scenes with Dr Shirley handling Tony being a little rough around the edges are perfect.

Lots of uncomfortable scenes of course but there’s plenty to like here; the fashion, the music, the scenery. The tag line is ‘Based on a True Friendship’ which pretty much sums it up. A charming film about an unlikely relationship between a regal artist and an uncouth hoodlum.

Great for a Sunday night. With a KFC or Nando’s. When you see the car scene you’ll understand why. I’m so easily influenced when food is on the screen.

8 Gregarious Thumbs Up!


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